Saturday, October 4, 2014

ESBL - Extremely Sedative/Seductive/Sexy Boy's Love ?

OK. Fine, I am probably fed up with studying microbiology and their pharmacology counterpart. I wonder how can one make to remember all the odd names of microorganism and the worst part the therapeutic name of chemotherapy drug for infectious disease. Salute to ID physicians. Not to mention lots of laboratory characteristics, clinical pictures and therapeutic regime to remember. Phiew! Now I am doubting whether I can continue with Med.

ESBL - Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase producing organisms, usually referred to Gram Negative Enterobacteriaceae. The un-ending war between human and pathogens had started since the early beginning of human species in the written or unwritten history. Well, pathogens simply way older than us, photogenically speaking. Human and pathogen stories also made up of great part of history of medicine. We can say we are co-evolved with them. Somehow, there are quite novel suggestion that we, human are made of viruses? see video:

The first antibiotic being discovered is Penicillin, by Dr. Alexander Fleming on 28 September 1928. It had marked the start of the an era of modern medicine where people try to come out with various biologic missiles and bombs to fight against human pathogen in this un-ending war. It seems like, we are winning the war initially, but halt! Don't mess up with ancestors or our human seniors, they are master in adaptation. It has not even been a century from where human first discovered these seemingly effective "weapon" until now where resistant strains of microbes, the titans are flaring out to bash human critically.

Eradication of microbial disease is a will-o'-the-wisp; pursuing it leads into a morass of hazy biological concepts and half truths.——Rene Dubos
If the world fails to mount a more serious effort to fight infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance will increasingly threaten to send the world back to a pre-antibiotic age. ——Gro Harlem Brundtland,
Lesser and lesser effective antimicrobial been discovered, while more and more resistance strains of pathogens are emerging, we are almost left with no option eventually. Perhaps aggressive fight is not the solution? This let us to ponder how human can live peacefully with pathogens.

Well, back to the post title, ESBL - Extremely Sedative/Seductive/Sexy Boy's Love. It is a good example of how human behaviors are closely related to human health and infectious disease. Well, I am not trying to stigmatized people of any sexual orientation, but using gay/man homosexuality as an example would yield great impact because most people have the stigma towards this group of people.

When we think of gay, what comes in our mind? SEX! I am not sure why people made this association, but yeah, GAY-SEX-HIV-SATANIC are kind of synonymous? No for me while YES for those who not concern enough.

Ok, let me illustrate how human behaviors shaped our health and affects the human-pathogen relationships. To start off, I would illustrate that there are microbes all around us and all over our body, which is known as normal flora. The relative distribution and abundance of normal flora would depends on the local factors, such as humidity, pH, temperature and so on. Well,normal floras are "normal", most of the time, but if they went left astray to some odd parts of the body where they not usually belong to they are not so "normal" after all. Speaking of sex, let me mention that the warm and humid condition of anogenital region of human being serve as a good paradise or vocation spots for many microbes, they are simply having party there.

While they longing a  bacchanal, human too are having parties, where a lots of bodily interaction can occurs to satisfy our bodily lustful desire and will sometimes end up with the intimacy of sex-homosexually or heterosexually. Phallic-vaginally, Phallic-cephalic, Phallic-anally. Choices are there. Don't assume anal sex is the privilege of gay people, man and woman can have such mode of sexual activity. OK, now, sexual activity can be viewed as the grand migration of microbes having party. Two human being at sexual intimacy, be it same sex or opposite sex, we are exchanging microbes all over with our partner, be it temporary or permanent. Well, I would like to add on that love is blind, we tends to accept everything and every bits of our lovers, then should we welcome also all the bacteria and viruses into our body with each thrust and stroke, each moans and groans. Penis, Anus, Vagina, Mouth are heavily housed by enormous microbes.

Back to gay. people having stigmas with these group of people because historically, the they are first group of people who were documented to be suffered from AIDS, well, sometimes being the first is not so good after all. But now, of 3 millions of people who had infected with HIV, most are people who practice heterosexuality. 

In my opinion, human behaviors and stigmas will continue to worsen infection diseases spread, not only HIV but also others Sexually Transmitted Disease. Also, the openness and attitude of physicians and a country to notify the world about an ongoing or emerging infections is important to break the chain of transmission of communicable disease. The worst sometimes go to health care workers that is not concern with the hygiene in clinical practice. Poor hygiene is related to prolonged hospital stay, secondary infection with hospital bugs, poor clinical outcomes and increase hospital burdens. With many evidences to illustrate the effectiveness of hand hygiene, the compliance rate of this practice is not 100%. Well, we should start to think twice when we complaining that patients are not compliant, as we too are stubborn, this is perhaps the reality of human being. Health care workers, are we given the power to kill or to heal? 

There had been one occasion where I attended a talk entitled "no more option" that discuss about the emergence of multi-drug resistant pathogen as human succumb our strategies of infection control to use of various antimicrobial drugs. The over-emphasized of treatment rather than prevention had it place for this problem. The awareness on prevention is not deep where a doctor actually ask the panel about the effectiveness and evidence of hand hygiene in controlling health care acquired infection. How ignorance, well, historically, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis had shown us how tragedic and arrogant people can be. Read the evidence here .The ignorance among Dr.s also shown in the talk when everyone who were at least a clinical specialist or specialist-to-be tried to run off when the main speaker suggest that everyone stayed back for 5 minutes at the end of the session to learn proper hand washing techniques with the nurses. Well, Dr. I know you're Dr, but do you know you're Dr. ?

Going back to stigma, if we keep stigmatized those who are HIV positive, chances are they will find their own way to hide themselves out. It is a good thing, you would think. However, what if, one day, when you're in the same party as they are, and at that time your heightening urging libidos that drives you almost crazy, lead you to have sexual intimacy with one of them? Of course, they won't admit they are HIV positive if you're going to judge them. Also, at the emergency and burst of sexual urge, how many of us would bother to wear a condom as a protective barrier? At the end, the stigmas hurts everyone. Those who stigmatize get the disease, those who being stigmatized being torture psychologically. What for?

Well, this essay is written ad lib in a sleepless night, so you might not find any continuity, I do hope some of you might get some of the main idea. Well, ESBL - Extremely Seductive Boy's Love I would say(in my opinion). Still, I am not sure why gay is being depicted in an exotic sexual way, even most of the gay people "communicate" solely with each other in a bodily way. If it is a true love (haha, again, love is blind, we have to accept every part of our lovers?), there should have a emotional and spiritual aspects that we can go for. I know social pressure had led LGBT community being peripherized from the norm and development of the society, but I do hope one day, we can be more open-minded to these group of people. I am not encouraging people to be homosexual, but asking yourselves/pondering about it, can sexual orientation be encouraged? How many straights out there would volunteered or be encouraged to be "bent" ? LoL. We are simply born this way. Perhaps social stigmas towards LGBT society can be liken the antimicrobial selection pressure on microorganisms, eventually resistance and highly virulence strains emerged and neither human and pathogen can live with ease. Peace is the way, not the destination or result of assimilation. Things that make sense and created by straights are not necessary meant the same to LGBT, not to mention there is always some discrepancies among same group of people too. This is life, embrace the variations and celebrate the diversity, this is make what we are human.

Well, what ESBL meant to you? If I am gay, would you date me? hahaha. Don't judge! I am just a bit hyper, sleepless and imbalance for my friends are having holiday and vacation and I stuck in university, alone, wondering where's my next meal.

Well, girls don't emo, most hot, good looking guys in the market are gay? a weird phenomenon to me, or maybe it is just meant for creating the dramatic effect in gay film industries? I am confused, while people are celebrating LGBT in straights' films(do we need to categories strictly? aren't they should be just films to entertain us and to spend our past time with our love ones?), like depicting and make fun of sissies in movie scene, why when discussing about LGBT issue in society, they turn their eyes like the are not even involved/be responsible of !?

Well, good night and I hope I am sleepy, while in fact, I am not.

Friday, October 3, 2014

我的医学系第一年 :疯狂+ 那为别人生活的日子?



我的医学系第一个星期,现在回想起来我真的不知道讲师在讲些什么。我上课打盹,基本上是完全不懂为什么我需要学这个学那个。读书方法也是背的,超级辛苦!记忆力 根本不及人家。生物学又不是自己怎么喜欢的科目。再加上 自己是不明原因进来的,而且又有活在哥哥昔日辉煌成就的影子下。可以说是挺压力的。

医学系里的第一次考试,是最容易也是最困难的人生考试——我是有“背”而来的。基本上我花了两个星期去把笔记的资料完全复印进去脑子里。每天 像僵尸活着,抑或是存在,没晒到一个星期的太阳。还在考试前一天失眠加心跳急促。考试我是没有原因不会做的,因为,我都说我是有背而来的。我拿到医学系里第一个A不过我并不为此感到开心。如果要我那么压力地度过 医学系生活倒不如,走人吧!

如果你是没有愿因进来的, 那么 你最好是有留下来的原因。当年我也像其他人,都想在科系里当高材生,那高材生的骄傲光环无法抵挡。不过我很庆幸我在适当的时候遇到邱学长。他可是影响我医学系生涯 最大的学长。他让我知道第一年怎么过。医学系怎么读。没有他的帮忙,也许我现在只是一直在烦恼书怎么读的中下等学生。身为最后一年学长,我真的很感谢邱学长,不曾嫌弃那个呆头呆脑的我去问些无聊的问题。每每有想不通的问题,我都会去登门造访,一星期定时几次。

学长的指引与自身的努力是成功的踏脚石。学长可以在不同的角度上帮助 我们,教会我们生活的学长要比教会我们课业的来得更重要。只有在把大学课业融入到现实中,我们才能够学以致用。


卖过直男同志都吃不下的“叉烧包”,演过不可一世的Uncle Roger, 当过龌龊的“妓男”相声演员,最气愤的应该说是在大学里所谓被誉为最大的华人活动里,当了侮蔑传统的“疯癫道士”荼毒了人们对道士的印象。没关系,纵横这几年的表演,我们都倾向于扭曲传统的美妙。我可是看过至少10届的表演纪录,听过哥哥当年诉说的故事。自以为是的人们。




没有华丽堂皇的结局,只有待续的期待——我的医学系第一年 :疯狂+ 那为别人生活的日子!




那天,医生手里拿着报告,很严肃的告诉我,那是急性肝脏衰竭。器官衰竭,不自然的结合品,被加冕在我身上的感觉,打翻了所有情绪罐子。那柠檬黄的眼睛,纤瘦的身子,看着医生的身影慢慢加大,那阴森的影子简直就快要把我给覆盖了。“一个月”,行刑令一下,手无缚鸡之力的囚犯,只得素手就擒,伸长脖子," 咔喳" 一下,人头落地。身首异处的躯体,慢慢的黑红色的血液渗透了每个毛孔,躺在血泊中,眼睛张着看着那无助的躯体,废掉的。灵魂破碎的时刻,侩子手骄傲地挥舞着血刀——有朝一日他也会受刑的,孤零零的头颅想。碎掉的,还是自己?还来不不及得到答案,蛆虫已经长满,入侵每个我曾引以为傲的身子。不!停!请别带走我的躯体!我哭求着。











他日风中的那双手已成为幻影 ,枯黄的落叶迷茫地找寻在风中接待它的归宿。


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Road to Professionalism: A Life Long Journey