Sunday, February 22, 2015

Male Toilet

Male Toilet!

I feel particularly uncomfortable using this kind of toilet shown in the photo.

It is so "unprotected", even if there's a barrier for such standing toilet.

I prefer toilet inside closed space. LoL. Personal preferance though.

Additional to the closed space toilet privacy aspect, I can always tell how sound is the civic awareness of that society.

Often, I can see funny genitals drawings and telephone number for massage and gay sex at the door!

I wonder if the person is real gay guy or a horny heterosexual man who long for sex with partner of same sex.

The society is getting filthier~ All they want and can offer is FUN!

Often, I can see pieces of feces floating at the toilet bowl (high fiber diet huh!) and urine splashed all over the place. I wonder what happen when he do the job. Perhaps a T-rex attack his toilet ?

Next time, enjoy your toilet session, there's tell-tale signs inside.

Thing is more frustrating when  you actually paid to get into the toilet (Like what I had yesternight at Bus Terminal)

Where's the money goes and what is it used for ?

Anyway, this is up to the user to keep it clean!


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