I shall share the formula/structure I used during last year Pro 1 SEQ writting.
It may not be the best way to write a SEQ, but it definitely enable me to pass Pro 1 Exam.
Paragraph 1: Introduction, give definition, give clinical significance of related topic.
Paragraph 2-4 : Main body of essay with points grouped in logical sequence and relevancy
Paragraph 5: Summary. If possible summarized the answer to the question in one sentence.
The first sentence in SEQ is important. Think properly. It gives people impression you understand or not. If it is good, it will make the reader happy ; if it is bad, it will actually annoyed the people marking the paper.
Imagine lecturers need to mark the paper in so short time.
In short, first impression will determine your mark.
Good Luck in coming Pro 1 for year 1 MD
It may not be the best way to write a SEQ, but it definitely enable me to pass Pro 1 Exam.
Paragraph 1: Introduction, give definition, give clinical significance of related topic.
Paragraph 2-4 : Main body of essay with points grouped in logical sequence and relevancy
Paragraph 5: Summary. If possible summarized the answer to the question in one sentence.
The first sentence in SEQ is important. Think properly. It gives people impression you understand or not. If it is good, it will make the reader happy ; if it is bad, it will actually annoyed the people marking the paper.
Imagine lecturers need to mark the paper in so short time.
In short, first impression will determine your mark.
Good Luck in coming Pro 1 for year 1 MD
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