Physiology learning got 3 levels:
1. knows facts, concept, theory, formula...
2. able to solve problem (clinical problem)
3. able to conduct experiment
Physiology problem:
1. Qualitative problem : predict changes
2. Quantitative problem : calculation of value
3. Explain the relationship between physiology parameter
Pitfall of physiology learning:
-Rote learning without knowledge assimilation and thinking through physiology, not able to predict changes due to poor physiology concepts
-Number shy, not able to solve quantitative problem
-"Graph" disease, not able to explain relationship between 2 variable from graph. afraid of lines and axes
-physiology of disordered function (Dorland)
-convergence of pathology and physiology (Wikipedia)
-Involve good understanding of pathology and physiology
-Best book is Pathology textbook and physiology textbook
-Need thinking and understand and Integrate
-It's not flow chart per se (an problem arised from too exam-oriented, when box and arrow are more important than "Why" and "Because")
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